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Stills from 1968 KQED Zen Mt. Center film
Tassajara | Sokoji | on the way

Shunryu Suzuki offers incense in the zendo upon arrival









John Steiner above R and lower with DC to R of him, Doug Bradle to L and Barry Eisenberg?


DC & Jeff Broadbent with pot



walking with trey to dining room                                                                      


Brother David Steindl-rast preparing lamps

                         Bill Shurtleff on L, Liz Wolf with pigtails, Kobun


Bob and Audrey Walter

Liz Wolf and Fran Keller                                John Steiner in the early grey robe?

                                                        Jeff Broadbent


Lucille (Lulu) Harris                                            Bridge over the small creek


Woman with red scarf?

Ruthie Discoe in white with Virginia and young Sally Baker


Walking from the garden toward the landrover at the shop


Audrey Walter cuts cornerstones for the kitchen stone walls
Dan Welch works with walls stones


Kobun Chino hits densho for service


Anthropologist Maud Oaks with Shunryu Suzuki and Richard Baker on dining room deck




Suzuki with stones, Dan Welch in blue, Bill Shurtleff


Bill Shurtleff and his rock garden


Hike through Horse Pasture to Narrows

Ed Brown, Tim Buckley, DC

DC, Dan Welch, ?



Jamming in the Creek


Brother David Steindl-rast and Peter Schneider on the rock behind cabin one


Bridge to the old baths and the men's plunge


Ruthie Discoe shaves Paul Rosenblum's head


Oryoki Meal

Jeff Broadbent serving - Phillip Wilson on altar with Suzuki

                                                                 Richard Baker on the left of Suzuki

L to R - Niels Holm, Danny Chesluk?, Brother David

Louise Welch, E.L. Hazelwood                                                     

sliding the setsu (bowl wiper) into its holster with chopsticks and spoon




Phillip Wilson




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