Shunryu Suzuki Lectures - More Edited Versions
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Zen Mind, Beginners Mind   Early Zen Center Transcript
More Edited Transcript Wind Bell Text
Page(s) from Wind Bell
Corrected Wind Bell Text
First Line of Original Transcript Notes
Teacher and Disciple 61-12-00-wb.pdf v13-teacher-and-disciple.pdf Emptiness does not mean annihilation; it means selfless original enlightenment ...… see 62-03-00 for an excerpt
True Zen 62-01-00-wb.pdf 62-02-True-Zen.pdf If you want to meditate you must have instruction of right teacher, especially ...… also 01to09 in one file
What is Zen? 62-02-00-wb.pdf 62-03-What-Is-Zen.pdf To study Zen is to particularize the Essence of Mind which is transmitted from ...…
Square Zen 62-03-00-wb.pdf 62-04-Square-Zen.pdf The idea of emptiness does not mean annihilation. It means selfless original ...… see 61-12-00. This is an abbreviated version.
A Buddha Story 62-04-00-wb.pdf 62-05-Buddha-Story.pdf In an old scripture told by Buddha there are four lands, two of which are Hokkuroshu ...…
What is the Law 62-05-00-wb.pdf 62-06-What-Is-Law.pdf One day the World Honored one mounted the pulpit, and the first principle was ...…
On Zazen and the Shinsanshiki Ceremony 62-06-00-wb.pdf 62-07-On-Zazen_Shinsanshiki-Ceremony.pdf ON ZAZEN While you do zazen you will come to understand yourself completely ...… 1 and 2 on same file
On Obon 62-07-00-wb.pdf 62-08-On-Obon.pdf Originality and universality are the same thing for a sincere student. Universal ...…
To Tame a Tiger / Zazen's Scripture 62-08-00-wb.pdf 62-09-To-Tame-Tiger.pdf TO TAME A TIGER A government official named Shiba visited Hyabujo Mountain ...…
Bodhidharma's Zen 62-09-00-wb.pdf 62-10-Bodhidharma-Zen.pdf The Emperor Wu built many temples, translated many scriptures, and encouraged ...…
Blue Cliff Records-3: Baso's Sun-faced Buddha, Moon-faced Buddha 62-10-00-wb.pdf 62-11-Sun-Faced-Buddhas-Moon-Faced-Buddhas.pdf 62-00-bc3-gg.pdf Suzuki Roshi read first from R. D. M. Shaw's translation of BCR1: ...…
Blue Cliff Records-6, Ummon's Every Day Is A Good Day 62-12-Zen-Practice.pdf 62-11-bc6-gg.pdf Zen Practice: Each existence, animate and inanimate, is changing during every ...…
Religious Activity 62-12-00-wb.pdf 67-01-reprint.pdf 62-12-RELIGIOUS_ACTIVITY-gg.pdf The more we attempt to manage religious activity, the more we lose our fundamental ...…
Blue Cliff Records-14 & 15, Ummon Zenji 63-01-00-wb.pdf 63-01-Um-mon-Zengi.pdf 63-01-bc14-15-gg.pdf First Question: A traveling monk asked Ummon Zengi: What is this first teaching? ...…
Blue Cliff Records-18 63-02-13-bcr18-wb73.pdf 63-02-13-bc18-gg.pdf Commentary Nanyo Echu Kokushi was a famous disciple of the Sixth Patriarch, ...…
Blue Cliff Records-19 63-03-00-wb.pdf 63-02-Gutei-Lifting.pdf 63-03-bc19-gg.pdf COMMENTARY BY MASTER SHUNRYU SUZUKI ON MODEL SUBJECT 19 FROM THE "BLUE CLIFF ...…
Blue Cliff Records-20 63-04-00-wb.pdf 63-03-BCR19.pdf 63-04-bc20-gg.pdf Zen may be said to be the practice of cultivating our mind to make it deep and ...… Wind Bell says "Model Subject #19"
Blue Cliff Records-25 63-07-00-wb.pdf 63-05-BCR25.pdf 63-07-bc25-gg.pdf Introductory word: Engo introducing the subject said, "If a man comes to a ...…
Blue Cliff Records-30, Joshu's Large Radishes 63-09-00-wb.pdf 63-06-Jo-shu-Large-Radishes.pdf 63-09-bc30-gg.pdf There is no Introductory Word to Model Subject No. 30 from the Blue Cliff Records, ...…
Blue Cliff Records-36, Chosha's Strolling about Mountains and Waters 63-11-00-wb.pdf 63-07-BCR36.pdf 63-11-bc36-gg.pdf Attention! One day Cho-sha went for a walk. When he returned to the gate, the ...…
Blue Cliff Records-40, Rikko's Heaven And Earth 63-12-00-wb.pdf 63-08-Rikko-Heaven-Earth.pdf 63-12-bc40-gg.pdf Rikko is said to have lived from 764-834. He was a high official of the tang ...…
Blue Cliff Records-46 64-02-00-wb.pdf 64-01-BCR46.pdf 64-02-bc46-gg.pdf Attention! Kyosei asked a monk, "What is the sound outside the door?" The monk ...…
Blue Cliff Records-49 64-03-00-wb.pdf 64-02-BCR49.pdf 64-03-bc49-gg.pdf Sancho and "The Golden Scales" Escaping from the Net Introductory Word: Engo ...… Part of some versions of this file are now in 64-03-00-B.
Blue Cliff Records-49 (Q&A) 64-02-BCR49-B.pdf QUESTION: Is it necessary to go through thunder and storm in order to attain ...…
Blue Cliff Records-52, Joshu's Donkeys Cross, Horses Cross 64-04-00-wb.pdf 64-03-BCR52.pdf 64-04-bc52-gg.pdf With an Introduction and Commentary by Reverend Suzuki, Master of Zen Center Introduction ...…
Blue Cliff Records-53 64-05-00-wb.pdf 64-04-BCR53.pdf 64-05-bc53-gg.pdf Introductory Word by Engo Introducing En-go said, "Obtaining the sole existing ...…
Blue Cliff Records-51 64-06-00-wb.pdf 64-05-BCR51.pdf 64-06-bc51-gg.pdf SEPPO'S "WHAT IS IT?" Seppo was a good example of a well-trained Zen Master. ...…
The Traditional Way, Summary of Shunryu Suzuki's Sesshin Lectures 64-06-Sesshin-Lectures-Summary.pdf 64-08-dixon-gg.pdf To understand what the "Traditional Way" of Buddhism is, and to actualize it ...… Wind Bell summary from notes.
Blue Cliff Records-73, Baso's Four Propositions 64-11-00-wb.pdf 64-07-BCR73.pdf 64-11-bc73-gg.pdf Engo's Introductory Word Introducing, he said: The true preaching of Dharma ...…
Blue Cliff Records-75 64-12-00-wb.pdf 64-08-BCR75.pdf 64-12-bc75-gg.pdf [Prefatory Note by Shaw: The Ukyu of this subject was a disciple of Baso. Joshu ...…
Blue Cliff Records-82, Dairyu's Immutable Law-Body 65-02-00-wb.pdf 65-01-BCR82.pdf 65-02-bc82-gg.pdf [Prefatory Note by Shaw: Dai-ryu was the 'spiritual great-grandson' of Toku-san ...… Prefatory note added from an earlier transcript, pf 1-10-2016.
Blue Cliff Records-84, Yuima's Law Gate To The One And Only 65-04-00-wb.pdf 65-02-BCR84.pdf 65-04-bc84-gg.pdf YUIMA'S "THE DOCTRINE OF ATTAINING NON-DUALITY" This Model Subject is about ...… Wind Bell titles this "Model Subject No. 94 from The Blue Cliff Records...YUI-MA'S 'THE DOCTRINE OP ATTAINING NON-DUALITY'"; however it is No. 84.
Brief summary From Sesshin Lectures Wind Bell 65-05 65-05-Brief-Summary.pdf This year, Reverend Suzuki's lectures (given twice daily Monday through Friday) ...…
Blue Cliff Records-86, Ummon's Store-Room And Temple Gate - Commentary 65-07-00-wb.pdf 65-06-BCR86-Commentary.pdf 65-07-bc86-gg.pdf Unmon Bunen (?-949) was a disciple of Seppo and founder of the Unmon School, ...… pdf added 8-09
Great Prajna Paramita Sutra ← click title I want to still continue to speak about topsy-turvy views. When your understanding ...… [Los Altos]
Great Prajna Paramita Sutra ← click title This morning I want to explain the attainment -- the attainment here -- it means ...… [Los Altos]
“wisdom seeks for wisdom” ← click title We are studying now the sutra of the sixth patriarch, in the evening lecture, ...… Section added 10/22/2021 from SDH transcription. Newly available in 2020 from the original tape reel, this audio recording was previously lost from the archives, with only the 1960’s transcript surviving. [Los Altos]
On the Great Prajna Paramita Sutra ← click title I want to give the conclusion to this Prajna Paramita Sutra this morning. In ...… [Los Altos]
Posture ← click title I want to explain about our posture we take. When you sit left foot is on your ...… Los Altos box title: Lecture on Posture
Nirvana, the Waterfall ← click title If you go to Japan and visit Eiheiji monastery -- before you enter the monastery ...… Los Altos box title: Water
Calmness ← click title In Zen poem it says, “after the wind—wind has—after the wind stop, I see the ...… Los Altos box title: Treasure of Life. Engage Wisdom writes, "Newly imported in 2020 from the original tape reel, this audio recording was previously lost from the archives, with only the 1960’s transcript surviving."
Confucius said the most visible is something invisible 65-06-Sesshin-Lecture.pdf Tape operator: This is the beginning of the-- it will be that we missed this ...… traffic. Q & A after lecture.
Study Yourself ← click title The purpose of studying Buddhism is—is not to—to study Buddhism, but to study ...… Los Altos box title: Forgetting Ourselves. Engage Wisdom writes, "Newly imported in 2020 from the original tape reel, this audio recording was previously lost from the archives, with only the 1960’s transcript surviving."
Transiency ← click title The basic teaching of Buddhism is the teaching of transiency or change. Everything ...… Los Altos box title: Change. Changed "transcendence" to "transiency" 8-3-2020, dc.
Experience, Not Philosophy ← click title I am so glad to see you again. For two weeks I studied many things and I found ...… Los Altos box title: Zen Experience
Nothing Special ← click title I don’t feel to speak after zazen. I feel the practice of zazen is enough but ...… was dated wrong as 16 [14=thurs] [Los Altos]
It is a great joy to practice sesshin with you in this way 65-10-16.AU.pdf 65-07-Oct-Sesshin-A.pdf It is a great joy to practice sesshin with you in this way. I think this is quite ...…
We have finished sesshin with unusual results 65-10-16-BU.pdf 65-07-Oct-Sesshin-B.pdf We have finished sesshin with unusual results. We have practiced in our own way ...…
kinhin instruction 65-07-kinhin.pdf Suzuki, Roshi, continued the morning instruction by explaining the importance and ...… Included with October 1965 Sesshin Lectures in Wind Bell Vol. 4 No. 7.
in Buddhism there are many schools ← click title As you know, in Buddhism there are many schools. But you can classify Buddhism ...… [Los Altos]
in Hinayana practice, in the first stage ← click title In the past, in Hinayana practice in the first stage we still have consistent ...… [Los Altos]
Buddhism is very philosophical, and sometimes intellectual and logical 65-11-00-AU.pdf 66-01-Nov-Sesshin-A.pdf Buddhism is very philosophical, and sometimes intellectual and logical. It is ...…
you have made great progress 65-11-00-BU.pdf 66-01-Nov-Sesshin-B.pdf Almost all of you have not practiced Zen so long, but I think you have made great ...…
Breathing ← click title When we practice our mind always follow our breathing. When we inhale, the ...… Los Altos box title: Swinging Door
Beginner's Mind ← click title 67-02-04-Beginners-Mind.pdf People say to study Zen is difficult, in what way—but there is some misunderstanding ...… Was 11-10 but 11-11 = thurs. Engage Wisdom writes, "Newly imported in 2020 from the original tape reel, this audio recording was previously lost from the archives, with only the 1960’s transcript surviving." [Los Altos]
Mind Weeds ← click title When you get up early in the morning by alarm, I think you don’t feel so well. ...… Los Altos box title: Self-Nourishment. Was 11-17 but 11-18 = thurs
Bowing ← click title [After demonstration of Buddhist bow] To bow is very important-- one of the ...… [Los Altos]
The Middle Way ← click title Here we recite the sutra just once but in Zen Center we recite three times. The ...… [Los Altos]
Most of you are beginners 65-12-11-AU.pdf 66-03-Dec-Sesshin-Lectures.pdf Most of you are beginners, so it may be rather difficult why we practice zazen ...… Intro from above moved here. Q & A after lecture.
Buddhism has many annual layers like a big tree 66-03-Dec-Sesshin-Evening.pdf Buddhism has many annual year layers like big trees. And traditionally we respect ...…
Single-Minded Way ← click title 66-02-Morning-Talk.pdf The purpose of my talk is not to give you some intellectual understanding but ...… Los Altos box title: Railway Track
Limiting Your Activity ← click title In our practice we have no special object of worship. If so, our practice is ...… [Los Altos]
Believing in Nothing ← click title I found out that it is necessary -- absolutely necessary to believe in nothing. ...… Los Altos box title: Nothing
Readiness, Mindfulness ← click title In the Prajna Paramita Sutra the most important point, of course, is the idea ...… From p. 113 of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. (Can’t find other version) [Los Altos]
Emptiness ← click title If you want to understand Buddhism it is necessary for you to forget all about ...… From p. 110 of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. (Can’t find other version) [Los Altos]
Attachment, Nonattachment ← click title Already we feel night become shorter and shorter when I come here. Dogen Zenji ...… Los Altos box title: The Double Moon
Buddhism is, maybe, rather difficult to understand ← click title Buddhism is, maybe, rather difficult to understand for you because Buddhism is ...… [Los Altos]
The Quality of Being ← click title The purpose of zazen is to attain the freedom of our being, physically and mentally. ...… Los Altos box title: Flashing
The Marrow of Zen ← click title 67-01-Jan-66-Los-Altos.pdf In our scripture it is said that there are four kinds of horse -- an excellent ...… Los Altos box title: Horse Sense
Summary of some Suzuki lectures from the spring 66-02-Lectures-Summary.pdf Zen Center is not a group of people setting themselves apart from society, each ...…
Repetition ← click title In India there were many schools. We count major school -- we count six major ...… Los Altos box title: Bread
Constancy ← click title The message for us for today was ‘cultivate your own spirit’. It says there on ...… [Los Altos]
Zen and Excitement ← click title My master passed away when I was thirty three. So after his death I became pretty ...… [Los Altos]
God Giving ← click title The precept today is giving, the joy of giving. Everything is something which ...… Los Altos box title: The Joy of Giving
Genjo Koan, 1–3 660313av37-1.pdf v37-1-lec-on-genjo-koan.pdf Good morning. This lecture is for advanced student in his practice, but I think ...… weird testing sounds brief at 2:20
The Way-Seeking Mind 66-03-26-AU.pdf 66-02-Sesshin-Lecture.pdf When we feel the evanescence of life, or when we have problem for ourselves, ...… (Sound problem.)
Sesshin Lecture: Genjo Koan, Paragraphs 1–2 660525v36-2.pdf 66-03-Dec-Sesshin-Evening.pdf The secret of all the teaching of Buddhism is how to live on each moment. Moment ...…
Moment after moment we have to obtain absolute freedom 66-06-00U.pdf 66-03-Dec-Sesshin-Evening2.pdf [The following section is compiled from Shunryu Suzuki's sesshin and Sunday lectures ...… 66-06-00 - was so named because of Wind Bell date - probably late 65.
Genjo Koan: Paragraphs 11-13 660619dv38-1.pdf v38-1-genjo-koan-para-11-13.pdf When the truth does not fill our body and mind, we think that-- we think that ...… low
No Trace ← click title When we sit in this way our mind is calm and quite simple. But usually our mind ...… [Los Altos]
Blue Cliff Records-45 660819d66-04.pdf 66-04-Aug-Sesshin-Lectures.pdf We have already a pretty good understanding of our practice because we have studied ...… slow
Beyond Consciousness ← click title We should establish our practice where there is no practice or no enlightenment. ...… [Los Altos]
Buddha's Enlightenment ← click title I am very glad to be here the day Buddha was born -- when Buddha attained enlightenment ...… [Los Altos]
Traditional Zen Spirit ← click title In our practice the important thing is our physical posture we take, and ...… [Los Altos]
Mind Waves ← click title Don’t try to stop the thinking when you are practicing zazen. Let it stop. If ...… [Los Altos]
Communication ← click title As I cannot speak your language so well that I find some way to communicate with ...… [Los Altos]
Epilogue: Some Personal Reflections ← click title EPILOGUE: I am so glad to see you again. Although I have only been gone two weeks, ...… This draft chapter was replaced in the published version. [Probably San Francisco]
Control ← click title To live in the realm of Buddha Nature means to die as a small being, moment after ...… Changed "his policy is not so easy" to "this policy is not so easy" 10-14-2016, DC. [Los Altos]
Original Buddhism ← click title Zazen is not one of the four activities: to walk, to stand, to sit, to lie down,, ...… [Los Altos]
Mistakes in Practice ← click title There may be various kinds of practice, or ways of practice, or understanding ...… [Los Altos]
Right Effort ← click title The most important point in our practice is to have right effort. The right effort ...… [Los Altos]
Naturalness ← click title There is big misunderstanding about the idea of naturalness. Most people who ...… Changed "mu" to "u" as in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. (U is being and Mu is non-being) 12-15-2021. [Los Altos]
Introduce to you Kobun Chino Sensei ← click title I am so grateful to introduce to you Kobun Chino, sensei. He was appointed to ...… [Los Altos]
Opposites ← click title Tonight, perhaps I was supposed to explain the chapter in the Platform Sutra ...… [Los Altos]
long time since I saw you all ← click title It is a pretty long time since I saw you all. But if we sit with you in this ...… [Los Altos]
Suzuki Roshi Writes on the Practice Period 67-02-04-Practice-Period.pdf Through the practice period Buddha's way will be known in America. The practice ...… - This appears to be heavily edited by Richard Baker - DC.
truly involved with the development of our way 67-02-04-Poem.pdf If you are truly involved with the development of our way, there will be no ...… 8/1/1967
"The mind itself is Buddha" 67-08-14U.pdf Our study will be concentrated for a while on the statement: “The mind itself ...…
when you have a new experience 67-08-02U.pdf …called gyo, or practice. This kind of process will be understood. So, when some ...… A handwritten note on a Green Gulch copy says that date might be 8/19/67, and typed at the top says "Tassajara: week-sesshin ending the first training period, August, 1967."
Genjo Koan 67-08-20U.pdf v39-2-on-genjo-koan.pdf Our understanding will be four: one is form is emptiness, and emptiness is form, ...…
Genjo Koan No. 2 [1?] 67-08-21U.pdf Every day we work to support our activity. There will be a slight difference ...… Suzuki is commenting on paragraphs 6 and 9–11 of Genjō-kōan.
Buddhism Is Not a Special Teaching; Enlightenment Is Not a Particular Stage 67-08-23U.pdf v40-1-budd-not-special-teach-genjo-koan.pdf Buddhism is not any special teaching, and enlightenment is not any particular ...…
Genjo Koan No. 4 67-08-24-AU.pdf … She was a part of the world, and whatever she said from top of the mountain, ...… Edited by Brian Fikes
Reflections on the Prajna Paramita Sutra 67-02-04-Sesshin-Lecture.pdf Starting from the understanding of form and emptiness, and emptiness is form, ...…
To Polish a Tile ← click title Zen story or Zen koan is very difficult to understand before you understand what ...… [Los Altos]
Zen is also Buddhism 67-09-00-A.pdf Student: Please come up front if you'd like. SR: Yeah, please come nearer. ...… cut few words at first adjust mic - 1 mn ?. Q & A after lecture.
Using Various Stones 67-09-08-BU.pdf v29-1-using-various-stones.pdf Tonight I want to give you some correct idea of Buddhism or Zen. In a word, Zen ...… crickets. Q & A after lecture.
First Shuso 67-02-04-First-Shuso.pdf Each practice period we appoint a Shuso to be head of training and leader of the ...… See page 15 in the Fall 1967 Wind Bell.
Negative and Positive ← click title The more you understand our thinking, the more you find it difficult to talk ...… [Los Altos]
No Dualism ← click title We say our practice without gaining idea, practice without expecting even enlightenment, ...… [Los Altos]
putting power in your hara 67-12-01-A.pdf In this sesshin, as I said this morning, our practice will be concentrated on ...… bad audio fixed. Changed "Keep from meaning," to "Keep from measuring" 11-29-2021, dc.
true practice 67-12-01-B.pdf This afternoon, in my lecture I told you why we should practice zazen and what ...… creek
inner power of practice 67-12-02.pdf Our inner power of practice will appear according to the situation and accor- ...… speeds up wrong audio fixed
The Gift of Zazen ← click title v36-1-gift-zazen.pdf It’s been a pretty long time since I saw you. I am still studying hard to find ...… [Los Altos]
become more honest and direct srl-excerpt-kishizawa.html SR: Once more, I think, I—I hope people will become honest and more direct, you ...… spedup a bit (Sound problem.)] Q & A after lecture. Changed "ichi" to "ishi", "fumioro" to "fumioru", "Ko suzume" to "Kosuzume", "fundeitta" to "fundeita"- thanks Fred and Takayo Harriman.
Four Wives ← click title In (Agoma?) Sutra there is a funny story. A man who had -- There was a man who ...… [Los Altos]
Shosan Ceremony 68-09-00U.pdf SR: On this occasion, if you have some—a question, comment, present it to me. Student ...… Date changed from Fall '68 to Feb. '68, 5-26-2022, sdh. This transcript now includes 68-02-00-G which was previously listed as a separate fragment.
Shosan Ceremony 68-04-23-B.pdf A monk asked Hyakujo: “Is there some special things happen-- happened in this ...…
Statement at end of Sesshin 68-04-23-C-DCE.pdf In spite of my lack of effort, you fulfilled this training period very well. ...… "Katherine" was replaced with "Katzuzen," shuso, head monk, Phillip Wilson's Zen name. - DC 12/16/2014
Talk at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco Grace-Cathedral.htm GRACE CATHEDRAL — Zen Buddhism had its debut at Grace Cathedral to a congregation ...… See this page for a scan of the article and notes. Actual date found in Della Goertz' notebook.
Esalen Institute, Second Lecture: Observing the Precepts v31-2-observing-precepts.pdf Last night I talked about construction of teaching and our practice in one word ...… Esalen Institute: Second of two lectures.
comments 68-03-04-comments.pdf Wind Bell 68-03-04 and Shunryu Suzuki comments from visit of Soen Nakagawa, Hakuun ...…
To have complete understanding of our school 680724-68-03-04.pdf 68-03-04-July-Lecture.pdf To have complete understanding of our school or-- is at the same time-- to unders- ...… crickets. Q & A after lecture. Changed date given, sdh.
Shikantaza, Tenryu's One Finger 68-10-12-A.pdf I want to explain our way-- our way of zazen. Do you know-- you know the famous ...… Footnotes restored 11/11/2020.
The True Dragon 68-10-12-B.pdf v25-1-true-dragon.pdf [Laughs.] This? [Probably an aside to tape operator.] Dogen Zenji says, ...…
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-1 68-10-20U.pdf 69-03-04-Lotus-Sutra.pdf This sutra titled Saddharmapundarika Sutra was supposed to be told by Buddha, ...…
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-2 68-10-21U.pdf 69-03-04-Lotus-Sutra.pdf [The Lotus Sutra] -- which was [not] told by a historical Buddha. But some people ...…
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-3 68-10-00-BU.pdf 69-03-04-Lotus-Sutra.pdf I already explained nature of Nirmanakaya Buddha and Sambhogakaya Buddha. The ...… Q & A after lecture.
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-4 68-10-00-CU.pdf 69-03-04-Lotus-Sutra.pdf The point—point of my previous lecture is—because it may be difficult for you ...… Q & A after lecture.
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-5 68-10-00-DU.pdf What is told in this sutra is view of the Dharmakaya world, view of the world ...… Q & A after lecture.
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-7 68-10-00-FU.pdf Yesterday I told you about Ajnata-Kaundinya [repeats different pronunciations], ...… little higher voice. Q & A after lecture.
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-8 68-10-00-GU.pdf Buddha's disciples were very good people, generous and honest and sincere, but ...… Q & A after lecture.
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-10 68-10-00-IU.pdf As a Zen Buddhist, it is necessary for us to understand the Second Patriarch ...… This lecture probably should not be considered part of the Lotus Sutra series, although that's how it's been identified for years.
SHOSAN CEREMONY 68-11-11.pdf [If you want to know what buddha-nature is] -- which is not possible to know ...… 1long endpause
Lotus Sūtra No. I-1 68-02-00-A.pdf During Sesshin the Lotus Sutra will not be appropriate for the lecture, but I ...… sped a little? Previously dated as Feb. 1968, but more likely this was given in the second half of the year.
Lotus Sūtra No. I-2 68-02-00-B.pdf A ray issued from Buddha's forehead between eyebrow. Everyone could see many ...… sped up at end - join 1n2 for t-B not like A. Previously dated as Feb. 1968, but more likely this was given in the second half of the year.
Lotus Sūtra No. I-3 68-02-00-C.pdf Maitreya asked Manjusri what is going to happen, and Maitreya—Manjusri started ...… Previously dated as Feb. 1968, but more likely this was given in the second half of the year.
Lotus Sūtra No. I-4 68-02-00-D.pdf "Now, young men of good family, long before the time of Tathagata Kandrasuryapradipa, ...… Previously dated as Feb. 1968, but more likely this was given in the second half of the year.
Lotus Sūtra No. I-5 68-02-00-E.pdf Manjusri again—in—for the answer to the Maitreya, telling him what—telling them ...… Previously dated as Feb. 1968, but more likely this was given in the second half of the year.
Lotus Sūtra No. I-6 68-02-00-F.pdf "The monks and nuns at the time being, who strove after supreme, highest enlightenment, ...… level problems with some of these 00s. DC added last section to transcript, starting at "The Shingyo [sutra] on other points" 10-31-2015. Q & A after lecture. Previously dated as Feb. 1968, but more likely this was given in the second half of the year.
Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha 70-71-03-04-When-I-Die.pdf I am glad to see you from here [laughs]. My organ [?] may not be so good yet, ...…
Find Out for Yourself v29-2-finding-your-own-way.pdf In your zazen, perhaps you will have many difficulties or problems. But when ...… Q & A after lecture.
Our practice should be based on the idea of selflessness 69-03-16.pdf Our practice should be based on the idea of selflessness. This selflessness is ...…
Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind v32-2-both-buddha-and-ordianry.pdf [The point of] -- my talk is just to give you some help in your practice. So ...…
The Only Desire That Is Complete Is Buddha's Desire 69-04-08.pdf 69-04-08-edited.pdf v27-2-only-desire-buddha-desire.pdf [Recently] I was talking about denial of, you know, desires. This is very confusing, ...… loud. Q & A after lecture. Changed "sort" and "sorts" to "thought" and "thoughts" (about communism or capitalism), 10-14-2024, pf.
Zen is not something to talk [about], and also it is something to talk [about] 69-04-19.pdf SR: [Whispers 1-2 sentences in Japanese, presumably to Ryogen Sensei who has ...… suzuki comes in at 20 after Yoshimura?
Suzuki's 65th Birthday 69-05-18.pdf I don't know what to say. I am already 65 years old. Today I became 65. And I ...… Changed "suzoka" to "susoku" 11-22-2021 dc.
Yakusan did not give lectures for a long time 69-06-00.pdf A famous Chinese Zen master, Yakusan, did not give lectures for a long time. ...…
How should we establish our system of practice in San Francisco 69-06-17.pdf -- Just to-- just to practice zazen, you know, will not be perfect enough. So ...… Q & A after lecture.
It is rather difficult for us to figure out why we started to practice zazen 69-07-01.pdf It is rather difficult for us to figure out why we started to practice zazen. ...… flange sound
practice should be the practice of “right now.” 69-07-03.pdf I have explained the poem about “Emptiness is form,” or shochuhen. Sho is reality ...… creek level low
Question And Answer Session 69-07-08.pdf v26-1-questions-answers.pdf SR: Tonight I have nothing special which I want to talk [about]. Of course, ...…
Eulogy For Trudy Dixon Given During Her Funeral Ceremony 69-07-11.pdf 69-07-11-trudy-eulogy.pdf Go, my disciple Sesshin Baiho [?]. You have completed your practice for this ...…
I have nothing in my mind 69-07-15.pdf Again, I have nothing in my mind [laughs, laughter]. I think I want you to hit ...…
Blue Cliff Records-43 69-07-26.pdf A monk asked Tozan-- Zen Master Tozan-- can you hear me?-- “It is so hot,” ...… creek. Q & A after lecture.
To Actually Practice Selflessness 69-08-06.pdf v42-practice-selflessness.pdf I think you are facing actual problem in your zazen practice. The worst one may ...… loud
Questions And Answers 69-08-28.pdf 70-01-Aug-69-Lecture.pdf SR: I want you to ask me a question. [Laughs.] I have nothing in my mind to ...…
Wherever You Are, Enlightenment Is There v20-2-i-dont-know-zazen.pdf In our practice, the most important thing [is] to-- to know-- to know. “To know” ...… speedsup
Sesshin, Third Night Lecture 69-09-00-C.pdf We are talking about our practice. What is the practice, and what is enlightenment, ...… loud speedsup. Q & A after lecture.
Sesshin, Sixth Night Lecture 69-09-00-D.pdf We discussed about the question and answer between the Seventeenth Patriarch ...… crickets
Pure Silk, Sharp Iron v26-2-sharp-iron-pure-silk.pdf Sunday school-- a Sunday-school girl saw me in sitting, and she said: “I can ...…
Why I Came to America 69-09-16.pdf v38-2-why-i-came-to-amer.pdf I have not much chance to think about why I came to America or why I became a ...… loud. Q & A after lecture.
Epilogue: Zen Mind 69-11-16.pdf This morning, I want to talk about our practice. And here in America, something ...… In the Zen Mind chapter of the book some text also came from 65-07-29-A, 65-07-30-B, 67-03-00 and 69-11-22.
Opening Lecture At Page Street Zendo: American Precepts 69-11-22.pdf v21-1-american-precepts.pdf I am so grateful with you to have chance to practice zazen in this, maybe, magnificent ...…
Way-Seeking Mind, Part I 69-11-29.pdf -- mind. Without this way-seeking mind, our practice does not work. We say “just ...…
Way-Seeking Mind, Part II 69-11-30.pdf I think nowadays way-seeking mind is understood like something to do good in ...…
Way-Seeking Mind, Part III 69-12-01.pdf Our way-seeking mind is buddha-mind. And our practice is-- makes sense when you ...… creek
Practice Should Not Be Perfect, So Descendants Have Something To Do 69-12-02.pdf To accomplish something is difficult. And, you know, the difficulty you have ...…
Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 5 69-12-03.pdf I explained briefly about bodhisattva mind. And we have also bodhisattva practice-- ...… little sped?
Fundamental Buddhist Point: To Adjust Ourselves To Our Surroundings 69-12-21-A.pdf Since I moved in this building, people ask me how do you feel [laughs]. But ...… loud -audio no A or B
Respect for Things 70-71-03-04-City-Practice.pdf In our zazen practice, we stop our thinking and we must be free from our emotional ...…
Caring for the Soil 70-02-Jan-Lecture.pdf The difference between so-called-it Theravada Buddhism and Sarvastivadian or ...…
our effort in our practice 70-01-31.pdf Our-- our effort in our practice is quite different effort you make in our usual ...… mic bumping sound
The Background of Shikantaza 70-02-22.pdf I think most of you participate one-week sesshin from tomorrow. So far, we have ...… Q & A after lecture.
Selflessness, Being and Non-Being: The Background of Shikantaza 70-02-23.pdf In this sesshin I suggested to practice shikantaza. For-- anyway for beginner, ...…
Non-Dualistic Practice 70-02-25.pdf Yesterday I talked about how to, maybe-- two ways of practice: one is zazen ...…
Practice To Be Like A Stone 70-02-28.pdf Before we sit, six-day sesshin was too long. But after we completed, it was too ...… lots of chanting at end saved off on t
Lecture To Prof. Lewis R. Lancaster's Visiting Class 700301v34-2a.pdf v34-2a-lec-to-l-lancaster-class.pdf Actually, because of my bad throat, I don't speak for people outside, you know. ...… Yvonne and Silas-only this file lower kbps. Q & A after lecture.
Our Everyday Life Is Like A Movie v32-1-everyday-life-like-movie.pdf I think most of you are rather curious about what is Zen. But Zen is actually ...…
Way-Seeking Mind 70-03-28.pdf Way-seeking mind is the most important. This kind of chance is-- usually in some ...…
The Zen of Going to the Rest Room v27-1-zazen-like-going-rest-room.pdf How do you feel now? [Laughs.] Excuse me. I thought of funny thing right now ...… loud
Buddha's Birthday Lecture 70-04-12.pdf The April-- April the eighth is the day we celebrate Buddha's birthday in China ...…
On Breathing 70-05-02-A.pdf Right now you-- your feeling has changed from the feeling you had in your sitting. ...…
Helping Others 70-05-02-B.pdf First of all, a sincere-- our practice-- sincere practice-- our sincere practice ...…
Sincere Practice and Way-Seeking Mind 70-05-03.pdf To have-- to have sincere practice means to have sincere concern with people. ...…
Zen Center and City Practice v39-1-on-zc-city-practice.pdf This morning I want to reflect on our long, long practice, which we started maybe ...… creek?
How To Observe Precepts 70-05-17.pdf v17-2-how-to-observe-precepts.pdf This morning I want to talk about Zen-- Zen precepts. As you know, precepts is ...…
Money And Labor 70-05-24.pdf 70-05-24-On-Money.pdf Good morning. Actually this morning I asked Yoshida Roshi to give some talk to ...… traffic
Things-As-It-Is 70-05-27.pdf 73-00-Sandokai-01.pdf I am so grateful to have chance to discuss about or to talk about Sandokai. This ...… reb intro says may25. Q & A after lecture.
Warm Hand to Warm Hand 70-05-30.pdf v13-1-2-74-2nd-sandokai-lec.pdf Line 2 was handed down closely from west to east. Line 3 People may ...… Q & A after lecture.
Buddha Is Always Here 70-06-01.pdf v14-sandokai-lec-no3.pdf Line 5 The true source is pure and stainless. Line 6 The branch ...…
The Blue Jay Will Come Right into Your Heart 70-06-03.pdf v15-sandokai-lec-no4.pdf Line 9 The five sense gates and the five sense objects Line 10 ...… Q & A after lecture.
We Are Just a Tiny Speck of Big Being 70-06-06.pdf v24-1-gen-spirit-sandokai.pdf Purpose of study of Buddhism is to have perfect understanding of things, and ...… Lecture to Professor Weller's Visiting Class with chants at end. Q & A after lecture.
Today We May Be Very Happy 70-06-10.pdf v16-sandokai-lec-no5.pdf Things have various natures, various forms. There is good and bad, taste, sound, ...… Q & A after lecture.
The Boat Is Always Moving 70-06-13.pdf v19-1-sandokai-lec-no6-70.pdf Line 17 The four elements resume their nature Line 18 as a child ...… Q & A after lecture.
Without Any Idea of Attainment 70-06-17.pdf v19-2-85-sandokai-lec-no8.pdf Line 21 For eyes there is color and form, for ears there is sound, Line ...… Q & A after lecture.
Within Light There Is Utter Darkness 70-06-20.pdf v21-2-sandokai-lec-no9.pdf Sandokai Lecture IX Saturday, June 20, 1970 Tassajara [The following lines ...… Q & A after lecture.
The Willow Tree Cannot Be Broken 70-06-25.pdf v22-1-sandokai-lec-no10.pdf Darkness and brightness stand with each other like when one foot is forward ...… Q & A after lecture.
Suffering Is a Valuable Thing 70-06-27.pdf v22-2-sandokai-lec-no11.pdf Line 33 Everything––all beings––have their own virtue. Line 34 You should ...…
A Short Talk During Zazen 70-06-28U.pdf v33-2-short-zazen-talk.pdf You should sit zazen with your whole body; your spine, mouth, toes, mudra. Check ...…
We Should Not Stick to Words or Rules Too Much 70-07-04.pdf v23-1-sandolai-lec-not-always-so.pdf If you listen to the words, you should understand the source of the teaching. ...… Wind Bell title: "It Is Not Always So" Sandokai Lecture No. 12
Do Not Pass Your Days and Nights in Vain 70-07-06.pdf v23-2-dont-spend-time-in-vain.pdf The goal is neither far nor near. If you stick to the idea of good or bad, you ...… Q & A after lecture. Changed "Student A" to "Craig (Boyan)" 10-13-2022.
Eko Lecture 1 70-07-08.pdf Morning Service Buddha Hall Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe [see?] us, and ...… Q & A after lecture.
Eko Lecture 2 70-07-10.pdf Dedication for the Morning Service Arhat's Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe ...… very low at end. Q & A after lecture.
Eko Lecture 3 70-07-11.pdf Dedication for the Morning Service Arhat's Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe ...…
Supported from Within 70-07-12.pdf Dedication for the Morning Service Arhat's Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe ...…
Eko Lecture 5 70-07-13.pdf Morning Service Patriarch Hall Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe us and may ...…
Eko Lecture 6 70-07-15.pdf The Fourth Morning Eko Wednesday, July 15, 1970 Tassajara [This is the last ...… Q & A after lecture.
Japanese Way, American Way, Buddhist Way 70-07-19.pdf After-- after forty days of my leaving from here I feel I am a stranger to the ...…
Mudra Practice and How to Accept Instructions from Various Teachers 70-07-26.pdf This morning, I want to talk about our practice, as usual [laughs], as-- especially ...… trfc
How To Understand Rituals And Precepts 70-07-28.pdf v34-2-zazen-ritual-precepts-not-separated.pdf This evening I want to talk about some problems you have when you come to Zen ...…
observation of precepts and practice of zazen is same thing 70-08-01.pdf In this sesshin, I have been explaining the context of our practice and, at the ...…
To Be Honest And Sincere In Its True Sense It Is Necessary to Push Yourself Into Some Very Strong Hard Rule 70-08-16-B.pdf The meaning of our practice [is compassion?] way of life-- way of life, or your ...… see above [No verbatim transcript available. (Sound problem.)]
Lay Ordination Ceremony 70-08-23.pdf 70-71-03-04-Lay-Ordination.pdf -- and obtain similar to result according to [1 word unclear] like our [1-2] ...… (Sound problem.)
city practice comments 70-71-03-04-Excerpts.pdf When I say it is difficult to practice in such a beautiful building with a completely ...… Probably given sometime in 1970 before August when Suzuki left for Japan.
Japan Now: Zazen As Our Foundation 70-12-13.pdf In this trip, I studied in Japan [laughs], you know, and I found out many things, ...…
What Is Self? What Is Our Practice? 70-12-20.pdf In my last trip to Japan I found out many things. The feeling I had there was-- ...…
Han (sounding board) 72-00-Sounding-Board.pdf Listen well everyone Great is the problem of Life and Death No forever gone ...… From Wind Bell, Volume XI, 1972
what is self 71-01-03.pdf Last Sunday I remember I talked about our surrounding, which is civilized world ...…
True Concentration v28-1-right-concentration.pdf -- were given about our practice referring to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva? ...…
Wherever I Go, I Meet Myself v35-2-what-is-self.pdf Most of us, maybe, want to know what is self. This is a big problem. Why you ...…
Wherever you go, you will see yourself 71-02-07.pdf 71-02-07-selection-bcr18-wb73.pdf This morning I said you must find yourself in each being. That is actually what ...…
humor is more real than reality 71-02-09.pdf I think, as Yoshimura Sensei told you the other night, Zen masters has some humorous ...…
Not Sticking to Enlightenment v31-1-cant-make-date-enlightenment.pdf The Sixth Patriarch said: “To dwell on emptiness and to keep calm mind is not ...…
calmness of your mind 71-02-13.pdf Good morning. We have been practicing sesshin, so I feel I didn't see some ...…
Be Kind with Yourself v33-1-be-kind-to-yourself.pdf It is more than six months [laughs] since-- Is it working? Student: Yes. -- ...… This phrase not in audio, but handwritten in an early transcript: "That is why we have monastic rules, not"
The Driver 71-02-27.pdf The purpose of our practice is, of course, to maybe to have full enlightenment. ...…
Why we have so many problems 71-03-02.pdf There are various kinds of religion, but why we have to [have] religion-- this ...… Q & A after lecture.
Calmness of Mind v20-1-sesshin-lec-june71.pdf Shikantaza, zazen, is-- our zazen is just to be ourselves. Just to be ourselves. ...… trfc
Precepts as Original Nature 71-06-12.pdf v35-1-precepts-as-orig-nature.pdf We say “Zen Center student,” you know. Or, we say “Zen Center.” But it is-- ...… only 2
Purely Involved Helping Others 710622v30-2.pdf v30-2-purely-involved-helping-others.pdf I don't know where to start, you know, my talk, but anyway what I want to discuss ...… Q & A after lecture.
Real Precepts Are Beyond Words 71-07-02.pdf v24-2-real-precepts-beyond-words.pdf [Today I would like to]1-- lecture about precepts. I-- when I say ...… muffled
manifested three treasures 71-07-06.pdf I want to continue my talk about precepts-- Buddhist precepts. And last time ...… muff. Q & A after lecture.
why then is it necessary to accept precepts 71-07-17.pdf -- I explain about our precepts. As you must have found out, “the precepts,” ...… Q & A after lecture.
Universal Practice for Laymen and Monks 710725v41.pdf v41-uiniversal-practice.pdf Tonight I want to explain the outline of our practice. As a monk and as a layman, ...… low. Q & A after lecture.
Blue Cliff Records-61, Fuketsu's One Particle Of Dust v18-1-fuketsu-one-particle-of-dust.pdf Engo's Introduction Setting up the Dharma banner and establishing the Dharma ...… low

  236 records.