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Approximate Date Type Note File name Title / First Line
12/12/1971 Ceremony 71-12-12 funeral/
8/21/1971 Other Audio talk & chants 71-08-21 Wherever you are, we have Zen way of practice/ Excuse me. [Laughs.] I feel rather stiff. Maybe I worked too hard. Since ...
6/9/1971 Chant Universal Eko followed by the four vows in Japanese then English. 71-06-09 Freedom from Everything/ I think you, you know, have understood-- (Can you hear me? Yeah? Not so well. ...
2/13/1971 Chant End Chant 71-02-13 calmness of your mind/ Good morning. We have been practicing sesshin, so I feel I didn't see some ...
2/12/1971 Other Audio talk & chants 71-02-12-A Just Enough Problems/ This is the seventh day of the sesshin, and you came already too far. So you ...
2/12/1971 Chant 71-02-12-A Just Enough Problems/ This is the seventh day of the sesshin, and you came already too far. So you ...
2/9/1971 Chant End Chant 71-02-09 humor is more real than reality/ I think, as Yoshimura Sensei told you the other night, Zen masters has some humorous ...
2/7/1971 Chant End Chant 71-02-07 Wherever you go, you will see yourself/ This morning I said you must find yourself in each being. That is actually what ...
2/7/1971 Chant 71-02-07 Wherever you go, you will see yourself/ This morning I said you must find yourself in each being. That is actually what ...
12/23/1970 Comment Beginning Comments and Chant 70-12-23 Teisho (Introduced by Jakusho Kwong)/ Zazen-- zazen practice, for us, more and more become important. Nowadays, as ...
12/23/1970 Other Audio talk & chants 70-12-23 Teisho (Introduced by Jakusho Kwong)/ Zazen-- zazen practice, for us, more and more become important. Nowadays, as ...
12/20/1970 Chant 70-12-20 What Is Self? What Is Our Practice?/ In my last trip to Japan I found out many things. The feeling I had there was-- ...
12/13/1970 Chant End Chant 70-12-13 Japan Now: Zazen As Our Foundation/ In this trip, I studied in Japan [laughs], you know, and I found out many things, ...
8/25/1970 Chant End Chant 70-08-25-A when someone receives transmission/ As some of-- some of you may know, tomorrow I am leaving San Francisco for-- ...
8/16/1970 Chant 70-08-16-A restore the Buddhist teaching in its original way/ -- restore the Buddhist teaching in its original way. So that you don't ...
8/4/1970 Chant End Chant 70-08-04 our practice is expression of our true buddha-mind/ In-- in everyday life, to observe precepts and, in our practice, to continue ...
7/31/1970 Other Audio sesshin rules-DW 70-07-31 Open Your Intuition/ -- [laughter]. What he-- she meant is if you stand up, you know, with painful ...
7/28/1970 Chant End Chant 70-07-28 How To Understand Rituals And Precepts/ This evening I want to talk about some problems you have when you come to Zen ...
7/26/1970 Chant End Chant 70-07-26 Mudra Practice and How to Accept Instructions from Various Teachers/ This morning, I want to talk about our practice, as usual [laughs], as-- especially ...
7/19/1970 Chant End Chant 70-07-19 Japanese Way, American Way, Buddhist Way/ After-- after forty days of my leaving from here I feel I am a stranger to the ...
7/11/1970 Chant End Chant 70-07-11 Eko Lecture 3/ Dedication for the Morning Service Arhat's Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe ...
6/6/1970 Chant End Chant 70-06-06 We Are Just a Tiny Speck of Big Being/ Purpose of study of Buddhism is to have perfect understanding of things, and ...
6/3/1970 Chant End Chant 70-06-03 The Blue Jay Will Come Right into Your Heart/ Line 9 The five sense gates and the five sense objects Line 10 ...
5/27/1970 Other Audio Reb intro 70-05-27 Things-As-It-Is/ I am so grateful to have chance to discuss about or to talk about Sandokai. This ...
5/24/1970 Chant End Chant / Announcement 70-05-24 Money And Labor/ Good morning. Actually this morning I asked Yoshida Roshi to give some talk to ...
5/17/1970 Chant End Chant 70-05-17 How To Observe Precepts/ This morning I want to talk about Zen-- Zen precepts. As you know, precepts is ...
5/10/1970 Chant End Chant 70-05-10 Zen Center and City Practice/ This morning I want to reflect on our long, long practice, which we started maybe ...
5/5/1970 Chant End Chant 70-05-05 we try to control or restrict our activity/ Once a time of one thousand or two thousand is not so long time in comparison ...
5/2/1970 Chant End Chant 70-05-02-B Helping Others/ First of all, a sincere-- our practice-- sincere practice-- our sincere practice ...
4/25/1970 Ceremony 70-04-25A How To Have Sincere Practice/We … yesterday, our President was expressing great gratitude, and that word -- ...
4/25/1970 Ceremony 70-04-25 Remarks at the Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind Temple/ Suzuki (speaking formally): On this day of the opening of Mahabodhisattva Zendo ...
3/8/1970 Chant End Chant 70-03-08 Letters From Emptiness/ [Recently my thought is concentrated on the idea of emptiness.]1 Whatever ...
3/1/1970 Comment Beginning Comments 70-03-01 Lecture To Prof. Lewis R. Lancaster's Visiting Class/ Actually, because of my bad throat, I don't speak for people outside, you know. ...
2/28/1970 Chant various chants 70-02-28 Practice To Be Like A Stone/ Before we sit, six-day sesshin was too long. But after we completed, it was too ...
2/1/1970 Chant 70-02-01-B each one of us is a cook/ Sesshin is almost-- sesshin has almost completed. In this sesshin, we have learned ...
1/25/1970 Chant 70-01-25 Caring for the Soil/ The difference between so-called-it Theravada Buddhism and Sarvastivadian or ...
1/25/1970 Chant End Chant 70-01-25 Caring for the Soil/ The difference between so-called-it Theravada Buddhism and Sarvastivadian or ...
1/18/1970 Chant 70-01-18 Rules/ In Japan now it is a season of typhoon. And recently, on the 16th, a typhoon ...
1/4/1970 Chant End Chant 70-01-04 Respect for Things/ In our zazen practice, we stop our thinking and we must be free from our emotional ...
12/21/1969 Chant End Chant 69-12-21-A Fundamental Buddhist Point: To Adjust Ourselves To Our Surroundings/ Since I moved in this building, people ask me how do you feel [laughs]. But ...
11/25/1969 Other Audio Katagiri-rōshi 69-11-25 pinch hitter/ SR: I am very happy to be with you. I am rather tired, and pinch hitter1 ...
11/16/1969 Chant End Chant 69-11-16 Epilogue: Zen Mind/ This morning, I want to talk about our practice. And here in America, something ...
8/28/1969 Other Audio End fragment 69-08-28 Questions And Answers/ SR: I want you to ask me a question. [Laughs.] I have nothing in my mind to ...
8/12/1969 Chant End Chant 69-08-12 some questions/ [I did not]1 prepare for tonight lecture anything. So I want you to ...
8/7/1969 Chant End Chant 69-08-07 Not Always So/ [In] Buddhist scripture, you know, there is a famous story. Water is same, but-- ...
8/6/1969 Chant End Chant 69-08-06 To Actually Practice Selflessness/ I think you are facing actual problem in your zazen practice. The worst one may ...
8/6/1969 Chant 69-08-06 To Actually Practice Selflessness/ I think you are facing actual problem in your zazen practice. The worst one may ...
8/1/1969 Chant 69-08-01 the most important precept/ As a Buddhist, of course, the most important precept is to-- to believe in Buddha ...
7/20/1969 Chant 69-07-20 Enjoy Your Life/ If you go to some library you will see many books. And those-- in those books, ...
7/15/1969 Chant End Chant 69-07-15 I have nothing in my mind/ Again, I have nothing in my mind [laughs, laughter]. I think I want you to hit ...
7/11/1969 Ceremony 69-07-11 Eulogy For Trudy Dixon Given During Her Funeral Ceremony/ Go, my disciple Sesshin Baiho [?]. You have completed your practice for this ...
7/8/1969 Chant End Chant 69-07-08 Question And Answer Session/ SR: Tonight I have nothing special which I want to talk [about]. Of course, ...
7/1/1969 Chant End Chant 69-07-00 Rinzai Zen and Soto Zen/ In-- in America, between Rinzai Zen and Soto Zen there-- there must be some clear ...
7/1/1969 Chant 69-07-00 Rinzai Zen and Soto Zen/ In-- in America, between Rinzai Zen and Soto Zen there-- there must be some clear ...
6/22/1969 Chant End Chant with bells 69-06-22 Direct Experience of Reality/ Dogen Zenji says: “Everything is encourages us to attain enlightenment. Mountains ...
3/10/1969 Other Audio fragment 69-03-10 Nansen's “Everyday Mind Is Dao”/ -- it was very, very cold. It was November? I don't remember exactly. November ...
12/24/1968 Chant End Chant 68-12-24 On The Parable of the Burning House/… second point. And in the third [possible gap here?] the Buddha addressed to ...
10/21/1968 Chant End Chant 68-10-21 Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-2/ [The Lotus Sutra] -- which was [not] told by a historical Buddha. But some people ...
10/12/1968 Chant chant-inc 68-10-12-A Shikantaza, Tenryu's One Finger/ I want to explain our way-- our way of zazen. Do you know-- you know the famous ...
10/30/1968 Comment Claude Comment 68-10-00-H Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-9/ Zen butso ??? assembled and sitting together in that ??? monks, nuns, male and ...
10/30/1968 Chant 68-10-00-H Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-9/ Zen butso ??? assembled and sitting together in that ??? monks, nuns, male and ...
7/24/1968 Chant End Chant with bells-han 68-07-24 To have complete understanding of our school/ To have complete understanding of our school or-- is at the same time-- to unders- ...
2/1/1968 Chant End Chant 68-02-00-A Lotus Sūtra No. I-1/ During Sesshin the Lotus Sutra will not be appropriate for the lecture, but I ...
12/7/1967 Ceremony 67-12-07 Shosan Ceremony at Tassajara/ Buddha-- although Buddha started teaching at Varanasi,1 but actually ...
10/1/1967 Chant 67-10-00 if our teaching is a special teaching/Someone asked me this evening, and that—if our teaching is special teaching which ...
9/12/1967 Chant End Chant 67-09-12 The Practice of Constancy/In the last lecture we studied two Prajna Paramita of the six Prajna Paramita which ...
9/8/1967 Chant End Chant 67-09-08-B Using Various Stones/ Tonight I want to give you some correct idea of Buddhism or Zen. In a word, Zen ...
9/8/1967 Chant 67-09-08-B Using Various Stones/ Tonight I want to give you some correct idea of Buddhism or Zen. In a word, Zen ...
12/17/1966 Other Audio Silas-intro 66-12-17-A In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudo-yojin-shu/ In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudo-yojin-shu,1 ...
8/18/1966 Comment Baker - End Comment 66-08-18-A This is the fourth day of our sesshin/ Tape operator: As I've said already, this machine has an idiosyncratic quality ...
8/15/1966 Comment Baker - End Comment 66-08-15-D The first day of the sesshin is almost finished/ The first day of the sesshin is almost finished. In the first day, I wanted you ...
8/15/1966 Comment Baker - Notes 66-08-15 Richard Baker commenting on tape confusion/ This is a rather mixed-up lecture, with this lecture, which I've called on the ...
3/13/1966 Comment Claude Comment 66-03-13-B Shushogi, Section 1/ We started to recite Lotus Sutra-- Shushogi. Shushogi is the-- consist of various ...
3/13/1966 Chant Heart Sutra 66-03-13-B Shushogi, Section 1/ We started to recite Lotus Sutra-- Shushogi. Shushogi is the-- consist of various ...
1/21/1966 Comment Baker - End Comment 66-01-21-BN In the Prajnaparamita Sutra/In Prajnaparamita Sutra, which we recite every morning and evening, it says, “No ...
1/21/1966 Comment Baker - Starting Comment 66-01-21-A Shushogi, Sections 11–17/ The next chapter1 which we will learn is about precepts. And this ...
12/11/1965 Comment Beginning Comments 65-12-11-A Most of you are beginners/ Most of you are beginners, so it may be rather difficult why we practice zazen ...
8/28/1965 Comment Baker - End Comment 65-08-28-B I have nothing in my mind/ [Tape operator (Richard Baker): This is the end of the one o'clock lecture. ...
8/28/1965 Comment Baker - Starting Comment 65-08-28-B I have nothing in my mind/ [Tape operator (Richard Baker): This is the end of the one o'clock lecture. ...
8/28/1965 Comment Baker - Starting Comment 65-08-28-A Confucius said the most visible is something invisible/ Tape operator: This is the beginning of the-- it will be that we missed this ...
7/31/1965 Chant End Chant [no letter on E-chant file] 65-07-31 untitled/ saturday night lecture ... ??? beginning at 615 by ??? suzuki or ... bishop sumi ??? ...
7/30/1965 Comment Baker - Starting Comment 65-07-30-C If you have a question/ SR: If you have a question, please give me. I want to answer about what I told ...
7/30/1965 Other Audio bell 65-07-30-A Don't be bothered by your mind/ Don't be bothered by your mind. ______________________ Source: City Center ...
7/29/1965 Comment Baker - Starting Comment 65-07-29-C some more questions/ SR: Do you have some question-- some more question? Student A: Roshi, would ...
7/29/1965 Comment Baker - Starting Comment 65-07-29-A Purpose of practice is to have direct experience of buddha/ SR: Purpose of practice is to have direct experience of buddha-nature. That ...
7/28/1965 Comment Baker - Starting Comment 65-07-28-D questions/ SR: I cannot think of anything to talk [about] for this evening. So if you have ...
7/26/1965 Chant End Chant 65-07-26-A why we should practice zazen/ A talk is always-- the conclusion of my talk is always why we should practice ...