Enhanced and Edited Audio Files  (Click a heading to sort.)
A project started in 2022.

Edited means coughs, extraneous sounds, and redundant words are deleted. Enhanced makes Suzuki's speech clearer and easier to understand with gaps reduced. Click here for more details.

Approximate Date Type (click to listen) File name (click for transcript)
Title (click for Other Files) / First Line
7/22/1965 Enhanced Edited Audio 65-07-22 “wisdom seeks for wisdom”/ We are studying now the sutra of the sixth patriarch, in the evening lecture, ...
11/11/1965 Enhanced Edited Audio 65-11-11 Beginner's Mind / People say to study Zen is difficult, in what way—but there is some misunderstanding ...
8/26/1965 Enhanced Edited Audio 65-08-26 Calmness/ In Zen poem it says, “after the wind—wind has—after the wind stop, I see the ...
8/28/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-08-28-A Confucius said the most visible is something invisible/ Tape operator: This is the beginning of the-- it will be that we missed this ...
7/30/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-30-D Do you have some questions?/ SR: Do you have some question? Student A: Sensei, D. T. Suzuki wrote that ...
7/27/1965 Enhanced Edited Audio 65-07-27-A forgotten the value of religion/ [This top section was added 10/22/2021.] In Soto School, most of Zen masters ...
8/28/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-08-28-B I have nothing in my mind/ [Tape operator (Richard Baker): This is the end of the one o'clock lecture. ...
8/28/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-08-28-B I have nothing in my mind/ [Tape operator (Richard Baker): This is the end of the one o'clock lecture. ...
7/30/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-30-C If you have a question/ SR: If you have a question, please give me. I want to answer about what I told ...
7/28/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-28-C If you understand bodhisattva-mind in dualistic way/ Bodhisattva-mind, which is rather dualistic, but if you understand bodhisattva-mind ...
7/27/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-27-B In our way of Zen, we emphasize the way-seeking mind/ In our way of Zen, we emphasize the way-seeking mind-- way-seeking mind. This ...
7/29/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-29-A Purpose of practice is to have direct experience of buddha/ SR: Purpose of practice is to have direct experience of buddha-nature. That ...
7/28/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-28-D questions/ SR: I cannot think of anything to talk [about] for this evening. So if you have ...
7/29/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-29-B questions/ [Are there any]1 questions so far I talked? Student A: Why-- ...
7/2/1971 Enhanced Edited Audio 71-07-02 Real Precepts Are Beyond Words/ [Today I would like to]1-- lecture about precepts. I-- when I say ...
7/26/1965 Enhanced Edited Audio 65-07-26-D religious problems concerning such as psychology or LSD/ Recently I find many problems concerning to religious problem, such as psychology ...
7/30/1965 Enhanced Edited Audio 65-07-30-B science or philosophy is like a dissection/ [Tape operator: The sentence about "your mind"1 was in the meditation ...
7/29/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-29-C some more questions/ SR: Do you have some question-- some more question? Student A: Roshi, would ...
9/9/1965 Enhanced Edited Audio 65-09-09 Study Yourself/ The purpose of studying Buddhism is—is not to—to study Buddhism, but to study ...
7/31/1965 Enhanced Audio 65-07-31 untitled/ saturday night lecture ... ??? beginning at 615 by ??? suzuki or ... bishop sumi ??? ...
8/21/1971 Enhanced Edited Audio 71-08-21 Wherever you are, we have Zen way of practice/ Excuse me. [Laughs.] I feel rather stiff. Maybe I worked too hard. Since ...
7/26/1965 Enhanced Edited Audio 65-07-26-A why we should practice zazen/ A talk is always-- the conclusion of my talk is always why we should practice ...