
File Name: 67-03-23

Thursday, March 23, 1967

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, p. 31 | ZMBM Chart

from Los Altos, Changed "his policy is not so easy" to "this policy is not so easy" 10-14-2016, DC.

To live in the realm of Buddha Nature means to die as a small being, moment after moment. When we lose our balance we die, and at the same time, to lose our balance, sometimes, means to develop ourselves, or to grow. If we are in perfect balance we cannot live as a small being. So whatever we see the things are changing, losing their balance. Why everything looks beautiful is because it is something out of balance, but it is background is always in perfect harmony and on this perfect harmony ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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