Nona Ransom's Films

Individual film links marked with 🎥 below are to download and play on your own device. It's easier to watch them on YouTube.

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Nona Ransom photos

🎥 Nona Ransom's Japan film - Suzuki's English teacher's 16 mm film from the 30s. A bit of the young (early thirties) Shunryu Suzuki on the deck having tea and fanning with a fellow monk at 5:37 and in the scene immediately after. Also leading takuhatsu at about 8:12 (total - 11:37).

🎥 Suzuki footage from this film - with notes and brief voice over from Hoitsu Suzuki (2:55).

🎥 Slide show featuring Shunryu Suzuki in Ransom's Japan film  (poor quality - watch it small) (1:39)

🎥 Nona Ransom's Travel film - Also the 30s - no Suzuki - Placed here cause where else would it go? (28:04)

Stills with Shunryu Suzuki from Nona Ransom's Japan Film's