Shosan Ceremony

File Name: 68-07-00-B

verbatim transcript, from audio, Dated as the last day of the Sept. '68 sesshin at Tassajara. From newly discovered tape by Engage Wisdom in 2021.

SR: We have been practicing sesshin for seven days. Although we haveā€”in this area, we have nothing to say, but nothing to say does not mean no words. If you could say something, in the area of "nothing to say," please come up and say something. Student 1: Docho Roshi, I have too many things to say. The great dragon fills the universe with its many coils. It holds the full moon in its teeth. It fills my heart with confusion. How may I vanquish this dragon and stand in the light of the glorious ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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