Calmness of Mind

File Name: 71-06-07

Not Always So, p. 5, *Nothing Special Selection
verbatim transcript, from audio, trfc

Shikantaza, zazen, is-- our zazen is just to be ourselves. Just to be ourselves. We should not expect anything, you know, just to be ourselves. And continue this practice forever. That is our way, you know. Even, we say, even in, you know (what do you say?) [laughs], even in, you know [snaps fingers], [Student: “Snap of the fingers?”] [laughs, laughter], you know, in snapping your fingers there are millions of kalpas-- no, cetanas. The unit of time. You know, we say “moment after moment,” ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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