Zen is not something to talk [about], and also it is something to talk [about]

File Name: 69-04-19

*Nothing Special Selection
verbatim transcript, from audio, suzuki comes in at 20 after Yoshimura?

SR: [Whispers 1-2 sentences in Japanese, presumably to Ryogen Sensei who has just spoken for twenty minutes.] It is already 3:30. I have twenty minutes more. [Laughs.] Twenty minutes more. Actually, Zen is not something to talk [about], and also it is something to talk [about]. [Laughs.] If you understand Zen in that way, your understanding will be perfect. If someone ask you, “What is Zen?” you may say, “Whatever you say, that is Zen.” [Laughs.] And you may say, at the same time, ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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