Esalen Institute: First of two lectures

File Name: 68-06-28

Friday, June 28, 1968

verbatim transcript, from Esalen Institute, Q & A after lecture. Changed "For we" to "So we", "about life" to "of our life", "this continuity" to "discontinuity", add quotes "Oh, it's okay" "Oh, that is true, that is okay", "saw it as" to "sword has", "soft, soft" to "soft, so" 5-21-2021 pf.

I find it's difficult to keep contact with you when I--whenever we talks--I talk, especially when I speak to public, it is rather difficult to follow your understanding—because I’m talking to our own students always, but anyway, I’ll try to communicate with you. First of all I am supposed to talk about our teaching. Zen is, for you, Zen is some special teaching. But, for us Zen is, Buddhism, and not too special teaching from the other schools of Buddhism. So, if you ask me to talk about our ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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