The more … we study our way, the more it is difficult to explain it.

File Name: 67-12-04-B

verbatim transcript, from audio, creek [audio was no letter-04 ?? Footnotes restored 9/12/2020. Change "know this" to "nowadays" 10-11-2020 pf.

Our study-- the more you-- we study our way, the more it is difficult to explain it. But Dogen Zenji thought there must be some way to make his descendent understand the true way. And he made a great effort to express this kind of subtle truth. In [Fukan] Zazengi-- as in Zazengi, he says, “If there is slightest gap between the perfect enlightenment and practice, the difference will be heaven and earth.” Because it should not be any gap between practice and enlightenment, or reality and seeming. ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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