KPFA Radio Interview with Elsa Knight Thompson

File Name: 67-11-06-I

Monday, November 6, 1967

verbatim transcript, from audio, Footnotes restored 9/10/2020.

Elsa Knight Thompson:1 -- by telling us something more about our guest, Suzuki Roshi. Richard Baker: Roshi came to America about six years ago, and he was only going to stay for a year or two and [2 words]. Many Americans came to meditate with him. He kept postponing leaving, and finally there was such a large group meditating with him in San Francisco we had no more room, and there wasn't an opportunity to study with him as well as if we had a place in the mountains. And we found ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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