
File Name: 67-09-08-C

Friday, September 8, 1967

verbatim transcript, Audio of this lecture came from https://suzukiroshi.engagewisdom.com/talks/19670908-serial00118. Q & A after lecture.

...a question. So, this is a very difficult question because this question covers quite a good part of our teaching. So, this evening I want to make it clear as much as possible according to the, our teaching, not only Zen Buddhist teaching, but also Buddhism in general. In, in Prajna Paramita Sutra, there were, there were statement, there's no ignorance. Here it come to birth and death— no ignorance and no birth and death. Means—it means, twelve links of the teaching of inter-dependency. And, ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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