At the time of Yakusan

File Name: 71-08-01

from audio, more noise, Footnotes added 7/2023.

At the time of Yakusan-- Yakusan Igen Daiosho1-- we-- every morning we recite chant names of Buddha. Daikon Eno Daiosho.2 Daikon Eno is the Sixth Patriarch. And Seigen Gyoshi-- Seigen Gyoshi is the Seventh Patriarch. And Eighth Patriarch is Sekito Kisen. And [the Ninth Patriarch is] Yakusan. At this time, Zen Buddhism was very-- became very popular or-- and stronger. Every master-- there were lots of students. But in Yakusan's monastery there were only twenty, you ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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