Eko Lecture 5

File Name: 70-07-13

verbatim transcript, from audio,

Morning Service Patriarch Hall Sutra Line 1. May Buddha observe us and may we receive his true compassion. Line 2. Thus, as we recite the Sandokai [we offer] the merit collected hereby to: Vipashyin Buddha, Shikin Buddha, Vishvabhu Buddha, Krakucchanda Buddha, Kanakamuni Buddha, Kashyapa Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha, Mahakashapa, Ananda, Shanavasin, Upagupta, Dhitika, Mishaka, Vasumitra, Buddhanandi, Buddhamitra, Parshva, Punyayasha, Anabodhi, Kapimala, Nagarjuna, Kanadeva, Rahulabhadra, ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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