Remarks at the Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind Temple

File Name: 70-04-25

verbatim transcript, from A n B ? See below. 2 footnotes added 1/11/2021.

Suzuki (speaking formally): On this day of the opening of Mahabodhisattva Zendo and main office of Zen Center, we arranged this altar, making offering of fruits and vegetables which were produced in this land of Mahabodhisattva, reciting sutra of Daihi-shin Dharani, the Sutra of the Great Compassionate One. With this merit, we want to express our way-seeking mind with our deceased friend Trudy Dixon, Baiho Sesshin [1 word],2 and Zenkei Dosaku Koji, Soto Sanjo,3 and ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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