The Zen of Going to the Rest Room

File Name: 70-03-29

Not Always So, p. 42, *Nothing Special Selection
verbatim transcript, from audio, tape noise, loud

How do you feel now? [Laughs.] Excuse me. I thought of funny thing right now [laughs]. I feel as if, you know-- I don't know how you feel, but I feel as if I-- I have finished, you know, things in restroom [laughs]. As I am pretty old, you know, I go to restroom so often. Even when I was young, I went [to] restroom more than, you know [laughs], usual person. I had, I think, some advantage, you know [laughs, laughter], because of that. When I went to tan- -- Eiheiji and sit in tangaryo, for ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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