Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-7

File Name: 68-10-00-F

verbatim transcript, from audio, little higher voice. Q & A after lecture.

Yesterday I told you about Ajnata-Kaundinya [repeats different pronunciations], and he is one of the five earliest disciple1 of Buddha. As I told you, when Buddha gave up a practice of asceticism, they went to Deer Park. And they practiced—continued asceticism at Deer Park. And after he—Buddha attained enlightenment, he came to Deer Park. And he—Buddha at that time told about four noble truths, and dana-prajna-paramita, and shila-prajna-paramita. And he said, if you practice shila-paramita, ... Read Transcript (this version is updated and corrected at times. Any other transcripts below are not).

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